best walnut sale in the world

Walnut trees are the best garden trees in the world. If grown properly in the right soil, it can live a long life and produce a large number of nuts. Its wood is very popular for making cabinets.


Walnut trees are incredibly fast growing trees that can live for a long time. Adults reach 30 meters in 100 with good weather and soil!

Therefore, the walnut tree in particular should provide its place in the garden because, due to the phenomenon of biochemical interactions, it produces chicks that prevent the growth of other plants around it. His skin is light gray. Its relatively large leaves are twisted corn.

Male flowers hang in green catkins, and female flowers are usually paired at the ends of branches. The fruit is very rough. This fruit contains nuts called nuts and almonds called nuts inside. Fruits ripen in autumn. It is the risk of spring frost that defines the northern limit of their range.

Walnut cultivation:

Walnut is very unpretentious and adapts to many soils. However, it grows well on fresh siliceous clay or limestone, but without excess moisture.

He tolerates temperatures below 20 degrees, but male kittens do not tolerate late frosts. So in the north of the Loire you need to find a sunny and windy place.

Walnut reproduction:

The easiest way is with seeds, but fruit formation takes time. Grafting for faster fruiting and having a clear choice of varieties.

producing product:

This is done in late September to early October in an effort to clear the ground under the trees to facilitate harvesting.

Some types:

Noar Dani:

The flowers are walnut-shaped, up to 35 mm in diameter, with a thin shell. His ivory core is afraid of spring frost.

Cut some walnuts:

A large and excellent fruit with a thin and sharp skin, light pulp and easily separated core. A very early fruiting tree, a lively and resistant tree in all areas, late flowering (suitable for cold spring areas) tolerates limestone well.

Paris Walnut:

Bright walnut tree with slow budding. A perfect small round walnut, with a hard shell. The white heart has a very delicate taste. The nut is the fruit of the walnut Juglans regia, a tree of the Juglans L. family of the Juglandaceae family.

This tree is native to Eurasia. This plant is very valuable because of its wood, which is of high value in cabinet making, its bark, the pulp around the pit, which is used for dyeing, and its young leaves and branches, which are used as the basis of the famous walnut wine. It is valuable. And it is also used for decoction, it is cultivated. And herbal teas and of course its fruits!

In France, 4 types of walnuts are mainly cultivated: Marbot, Corne, Grandjean and Franquette. It is the latter that we recommend because of its sweet smell, a strong nutty aroma with a touch of hazelnut and a very local sweet taste. A Frenet produced in the Dordogne is more bitter than the Isaire. Its buttery texture makes it a very popular nut.

How do walnuts grow?

Walnut cultivation is called neoculture. Walnut needs a temperate climate. Walnut groves, walnut orchards are located on the slopes of the hills or at the bottom of the valley, protected from the wind and in a moderate climate.

As it can withstand very low temperatures down to minus 30 degrees Celsius, it is afraid of drought, especially if between mid-June and mid-July, when the nuts are formed, and between mid-July and mid-August during the drought period. to occur Period, autumn formation of its blue core should be moderate and regular to give beautiful fruits.

It prefers rich clay-calcareous soils, but tolerates acidic and calcareous soils. Walnut trees begin to bear fruit at the age of 5 to 6 years, and after 25 years and up to about 70 years, they reach optimal productivity.

Walnuts are harvested in early fall when the shell is black and cracked. Then they release the shell and are ready to fall. In the Frankett variety, the harvest happens a little later.

Harvesting is done with machines that shake the tree and machines that pick the nuts from the ground. Mechanized harvesting saved significant time, which allowed for accelerated drying and improved nut quality.

When the nuts are dried in the sun or in ventilated dryers, approximately 50% of the production is used to crack the nuts to extract the kernels. The process is still sometimes done by hand, but more machines are used.

Handwork requires great skill and long experience in knitwear, a kind of hammer to master the correct force to break the shell without damaging the bead.

To preserve all the qualities of the nuts, Shumage (an operation that allows you to separate the remains of the shell from the kernel, formerly called denoisillage) is done only by hand.

It is a true Perigord tradition that involves families, friends and neighbors in a festive atmosphere during the long winter nights. This traditional knowledge is felt since less than 20% of walnut kernels harvested in this region are damaged. Today, no machine is equal to the skill and elegance of a human!

Then a careful sorting is done according to the color and shape of the core. It then goes through a cleaning step in a separator, the purpose of which is to remove dust, shells or shell fragments. Then they are steamed on the shelves by natural drying or with dry air conditioning at a temperature below 30°C. Water content less than 5%.

The nuts are finally measured and then sorted by hand before packing. How to use walnut kernels in cooking? Nuts can be used fresh or dry. Using the core in the kitchen is very practical. In addition to saving time, the kernel also has the advantage of long-term storage, as it has little moisture.

The relationship between taste and vegetables

Brains come to enhance your mixed salads. He likes nuts, chicory, beets, green beans, celery, broccoli, nuts like zucchini, mache or cress.

The relationship of flavors with meat

Crushed nuts are mainly used to make breadcrumbs for poultry such as chicken or duck. But it goes well with weird stuff like fried chicken, where you’ve caramelized nuts with garlic, ginger, soy sauce, and sherry vinegar. This strain extends to duck breast tartare with figs.

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