Cashew in India; Contains Copper Phosphorus Vitamins B2 E Protect Skin Strengthening Bones

Cashew in India; Contains Copper Phosphorus Vitamins B2 E Protect Skin Strengthening Bones

Cashew in India is one of those nutritious and useful snacks that not only makes you feel full but also provides many benefits

Cashew in india

Cashew in India contains significant amounts of copper, vitamin B2 and phosphorus

One hundred grams of cashews can provide 576 kcal of energy for the body

But it is also necessary to state that the human body does not receive 10-15% of these calories because some of these facts are inaccessible to digestive enzymes

Cashews are also rich in phytic acid; A substance that binds some minerals together and prevents their absorption

While phytic acid is generally considered a useful antioxidant, it partially prevents the absorption of iron, zinc, and calcium in almonds

Consuming cashews is very useful for increasing blood circulation, strengthening bones, protecting skin, helping digestion, and controlling blood sugar levels

 Cashew in India; Contains Copper Phosphorus Vitamins B2 E Protect Skin Strengthening Bones

Cashew Features in india

Cashew in India is a rich source of antioxidants, most of which are collected in the yellow cashew nuts

The studies conducted on the antioxidant effects of cashews have extraordinary results


Copper, Vitamin B2 and Phosphorus

Health Benefits
Strengthening Bones, Protecting Skin


576 kcal per 100 Gram

For people who have consumed cashews daily for a certain period of time the amount of oxidative stress caused by the activity of free radicals in their body has decreased significantly

Also, cashews contain a lot of vitamin E, which is a type of antioxidant

Studies show that consuming more vitamin E is associated with a lower risk of heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease

Magnesium in cashews plays a role in many chemical processes in the body

 Cashew in India; Contains Copper Phosphorus Vitamins B2 E Protect Skin Strengthening Bones

Buy Cashew in india

Buy cashew in India after the following tips

Cashews should be dry and completely free of live insects, molds, rodent infestation, and insect damage

When dark black and brown spots appear on the surface of the cashew nut, it is a sign of worms

Also, when the cashews are wrinkled, it means that they are of poor quality and creamed

Visible holes in cashews can also be a sign of the presence of insects, which makes cashews taste bitter

The color of the best quality peanuts is white

Yellow cashews are the result of adding oil to them or roasting them for a long time

Raw cashews have better quality than roasted cashews

 Cashew in India; Contains Copper Phosphorus Vitamins B2 E Protect Skin Strengthening Bones

Cashew Price in india + Buy and Sell

Cashews are sold raw or roasted or flavored

These features, along with the classifications of cashews, create a variety of this product, which naturally have different prices

For example, consider coarse or cracked, or shelled cashews in raw, salted, unsalted, saffron, and barbecued forms

These are different in terms of price

The difference between roasted cashews and raw cashews is the added value of processing and flavoring, which costs money and increases the price of the product

The cashew price in India is between $7 and $10 per Kilogram

We provide the best quality cashews in bulk sales

No matter which type you want, complete the form on our website and order cashews

 Cashew in India; Contains Copper Phosphorus Vitamins B2 E Protect Skin Strengthening Bones

The Answer to Two Questions About Raw Cashew

1: What substance does cashew have?
Cashews are also rich in phytic acid; A substance that binds some minerals together and prevents their absorption

2: What is the price of cashews in the market?
The cashew price in India is between $7 and $10 per Kilogram

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